Members of the DOWC Board shall be the elected and appointed officers and chairwomen of standing committees.
The President Shall:
A. Preside over all board and general meetings and preside as ex-officio member of all standing committees.
B. Ensure that board members will be provided the following tools for their office, current copy of bylaws and standing rules, listing of board members’ names, phone numbers and email addresses, calendar of meetings and activities for the current membership year.
C. Be the cosigner on the checking account.
D. Approve all DOWC publicity before posting or distribution.
E. Provide a current DOWC board list.
F. Scheduling all board meetings.
The First Vice President Shall:
A. Schedule programs for the general meetings.
B. Provide educational/informational programs as approved by the DOWC board.
C. If an educational program is presented by a 501c3 that requires a paid honorarium, a paid honorarium can be provided up to 2 times per year with a dollar amount to be approved by the DOWC board prior to scheduling the program.
D. Purchase a thank you gift for the guest speaker not to exceed $25 per month. (Excluding those who receive an honorarium in accordance to section c above.)
E. Be responsible for the outgoing president’s recognition gift.
F. Provide a current list of programs to the directory committee by the October general meeting.
G. Provide monthly program announcements to the publicity chairperson by the due dates.
H. Preside at general meetings in the absence of the president.
The Second Vice President Shall:
A. Schedule the location of monthly general meetings.
B. Solicit refreshments for monthly general meetings.
C. Purchase and bring all drinks and paper products to the monthly general meetings.
D. Coordinate set up and clean up at all monthly meetings.
E. Provide a current list of monthly general meeting locations to the directory committee by the October general meeting.
F. Provide a general meeting sign-in book.
G. Provide general meeting door prizes if approved as part of the budget.
The Secretary Shall:
A. Record minutes for board and general meetings.
B. Make available written copies of the appropriate minutes at the appropriate meetings.
C. Keep on file the original approved bylaws, all subsequent amended sets of bylaws, current standing rules, and current board member list.
D. Turn over to the audit committee, approved general meeting minutes.
E. When asked, she will act as the corresponding secretary for the DOWC.
F. Provide digital files of club logo.
The Treasurer Shall:
A. Establish good bookkeeping procedures and disbursement practices; may create policies to accomplish this, with the approval of the DOWC Board, to manage income and expenses of the DOWC.
B. Provide to each board member by the first board meeting of the program year, a spreadsheet of the prior year budget and actual expenditures for use in developing their current year budget as applicable.
C. Chair a budget committee to prepare and present a financially sound annual budget for DOWC Board approval at the October board meeting.
D. Present the board-approved budget to the general membership for approval at the October General meeting.
E. Keeps financial records current and give a financial report at each board and general meeting.
F. Make reimbursement vouchers available to DOWC Board members and provide payees a reimbursement check when all receipts and completed reimbursement vouchers are provided and amount to be reimbursed conforms to budgetary constraints.
G. Deposit all DOWC funds received in a timely manner.
H. Turns over DOWC financial records to the annual audit committee within 30 days.
The Parliamentarian Shall:
A. Be a past DOWC president.
B. Have a current copy of the bylaws, standing rules and a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order at all board and general meetings.
C. Will chair a committee to review and update the bylaws and standing rules every three years as required.
D. Ensure that all officers and standing committee chairwomen are current members of the DOWC.
The Activities Committee shall:
A. Coordinate the activities of the club by providing a notebook of signup sheets of all current activities to every general meeting and asking for members to sign up.
B. Solicit interest in other possible activities and initiate signups for those activities.
C. Oversee the coordination of the monthly activities to ensure the dates, times, and location are submitted to the publicity chair by the monthly newsletter deadline.
The Adult Social Committee shall plan and coordinate a minimum of 2 adult social activities for the club.
The Children’s Social Committee shall plan and coordinate a minimum of 2 children’s social activities for the club.
The Community Service Committee shall:
A. Plan and coordinate all fundraisers:
B. Form a scholarship committee to distribute, collect and judge applications.
C. Coordinate efforts for police appreciation week for the Double Oak Police Department.
D. Provide a list of Scholarship applicants to the Sunshine committee so they may send graduation cards.
The Directory Committee shall:
A. Update, compile, print, and distribute the yearly directory.
B. Provide a directory to new members as they join throughout the year.
The Historian shall:
A. Compile an annual memory book of the activities and achievements of the club and present it to the out-going president at the first general meeting of the next program year.
B. Be responsible for finding her replacement to take pictures at any meeting or activity she is unable to attend.
The Hospitality Committee shall:
A. Host a minimum of one welcome “Meet and Greet” social.
B. Provide new addresses to publicity to send out newsletters.
C. Gather volunteers to serve as greeters at general meetings to make newcomers feel welcome and introduce them to other members.
D. Coordinate other welcome activities as needed.
The Membership Committee shall:
A. Actively solicit for membership; providing membership forms at each general monthly meeting.
B. Compile, maintain and keep current an accurate list of members, including (at least) their name, address, email address, and phone number.
C. Turn over a file copy of the membership list to the directory committee after the board-approved deadline to be included in that year’s directory.
D. Provide a list of names and email addresses monthly to the following:
E. 2nd VP for coordination of snacks for the general meetings.
F. Publicity for the monthly newsletter.
G. Submit dues to the treasurer within seven days of receipt.
H. Provide name tags for the membership and guests at each general meeting.
The Publicity Committee shall:
A. Compile, type, edit, and distribute the DOWC newsletter to all members November through May. The September and October issue of the newsletter shall be distributed electronically to all current and prior-year members of the DOWC.
B. Provide community outreach in September to invite new member to join.
C. Coordinate information about the DOWC to the local newspapers and the town of Double Oak’s website, the DOWC website and other board approved social media outlets.
D. Notify the board members of newsletter publication deadlines and submit final drafts to the board prior to distribution.
E. Send out via email any Double Oak or DOWC publicity notices or meeting reminders.
The Sunshine Committee shall:
A. Purchase and send out all cards requested by the membership.
B. Coordinate meals for families in need when requested.
C. Send graduation cards as requested by Scholarship committee.
Audit Committee:
No later than the May general meeting the president will solicit from the membership an audit committee of at least three (3) members. Once formed, a reasonable date will be set for completing the audit which is due August 30. A member of the audit committee will collect the financial book, membership roster, minutes and records as needed for audit purposes. To complete the audit in a timely manner, the outgoing treasurer shall make herself available during the audit in case the committee should need her help locating or deciphering records. After the annual audit has been completed, the audit committee will turn over the financial books and records directly to either the incoming president or the incoming treasurer and any other records back to the respective committee chair. A statement of the findings will be presented to the board by the chairperson of the audit committee.
Budget Committee:
Chaired by the Treasurer, this committee shall consist of at least 3 members. The budget committee will review the budget and line items submitted by each board member to ensure a financially sound annual budget for DOWC. They will submit the reviewed budget and any changes to the Board for approval at the September board meeting.
Nominating Committee
The DOWC Board shall select a nomination committee in January. This committee will select a slate of officers and standing committee chairwomen. The slate will be presented at the March general meeting and voted on at the April general meeting after the opportunity has been made for further nominations from the floor.
Scholarship Committee
The community service chairwoman may chair or select another member to chair the Scholarship committee. The committee of three or five members will review the scholarship application and make necessary revisions, i.e. date and address by December 31. The scholarship applications will then be made available to the local high schools and placed in Town Hall targeting distribution by the end of January. Complete applications and all accompanying support documentation are due by 7 p.m. on the designated deadline date. No late entries after the deadline will be accepted. The chosen chairwoman will receive the applications, black out identifying names and distribute to the fellow committee members for review. The committee must convene in person to do a final review of all applications and select the recipient. The chairwoman will not have a vote in this decision.
Phone or email voting is allowed for emergency situations. Every DOWC board member will be notified personally by phone, email, or other electronic means by the president. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire board is needed to pass a motion. Board members shall have at least 24 hours to respond. The email or phone vote will be ratified at the next regular board meeting. A complete accounting of the number of votes cast, and the ratifying vote, shall be included in the minutes.
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